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New to work-from-home?

Many of us have only ever worked in an office setting, but have recently been thrown into the work from home life.

I’ve been working from home on and off for the last 12 years and I’ve picked up a few things that have helped keep me from going insane along the way.

Due to the pandemic, I’ve been working from home AND barely leaving my house for over a month.

At first I was like, “YES! THE DREAM!” and then I started to crack up a bit because I wasn’t doing the things I would normally do on work-from-home days.


Because this isn’t normal.


I was starting to get a bit depressed, anxious, tired for no reason. The stress of the outside world was physically and mentally taxing.

I knew I had to make some changes. So, I spent some time writing down what I would be doing if the world was “normal” and then I adjusted for the world not being “normal”.

I have shared these ideas with a few others and they found it incredibly helpful, so I wanted to share with you in the hopes that you can keep the sanity during this trying time…

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