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My Top 10 All-Time Favorite Productivity Tips

For the last 8 months, I’ve been sharing a weekly productivity tip on Instagram and in my Facebook Group. I recently decided to retire these as official weekly posts so I can post more intuitively. BUT that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still benefit from them! 


Below are my top 10 all-time favorite productivity tips

#1 Track Your Time

This is a super simple way to get to know your own process, so you can make better choices in your schedule going forward.


⌚️ Before you start a task, jot down what time it is.


⌚️ When you finish the task, again write down the time.


⌚️ Keep track of the length of time it takes you to complete each task you do this week.


⌚️ Next week, refer to your tracking to plan out your week.


This will prevent you from over scheduling your time and allow you to schedule in that much needed downtime!

#2 Write Tomorrow's To-do List Tonight

Don’t go to bed thinking about everything that needs to be done tomorrow.


Get that shit out of your head!


🍷 At the end of your work day, reflect on everything you accomplished (see tip #6 for questions to ask yourself).


🍷 Then review what wasn’t completed.


🍷 Create your to-do list based on what still *needs* to be done and what other things you have planned for the next day.


If you’re not sure if you can fit everything into 1 day, refer to tip #1 🦥

#3 Listen to Music

Whether it is ambient music or some bangers that get you hype, music puts us in a better mood and gets our minds into a creative flow.


Test out what pieces of music are the best for your current intentions.


🎧 Maybe you’re feeling a bit sluggish. What would you listen to if you were at the gym? Crank it up and dance around your office!


🎤 Perhaps you’re struggling to write some content. Try listening to your favorite sing-along songs to get the words flowing.


🎻 And if you just need something to help you focus, find a classical mix on Spotify.


🎼 Create a few playlists for easy access whenever you need focus, motivation, productivity, etc.

#4 Say "NO" More Often

Ya know how I talk about setting boundaries all the time?


👉 It begins with saying NO


Overcommitting comes up in multiple ways.


🦥 Saying yes to every offer to collaborate.


🦥 Having an account on every social media platform.


🦥 Trying to write a book, design a course, launch a new program, and redesign your website all at the same time.


This is what leads to overwhelm and burnout!


🍷 Learn to say yes to only the things you truly want to do. And if you’re already committed to something, learn to say NO to anything new.


🍷 Prioritize projects and tasks so when you really want to say yes to something, you know exactly how much time you have to commit or what can be moved to add something new.


🥂 Decide what kind of life you want and then say no to everything that isn’t that.🥂

#5 Celebrate Successes AND Failures

Wait… Celebrate failures?


You read that right!


I’m a big fan of celebrating


An excuse for champagne? YES PLEASE


We need to be celebrating the small wins, just as much as the big wins.


But we should also be celebrating when we fail!


When we fail, we learn from our experience and can better prepare ourselves for next time.


When a client doesn’t book with us, we can reflect on why.


In most cases, that client wasn’t going to be a good fit…


🥂 They might not be ready to work with you now, but you can keep them in your pipeline to reach out again in the future.


🥂 OR they just plain aren’t your ideal client! Which opens up space for someone who is.


Make a habit of celebrating everything in your business.


Celebrate the fact that you even started a business!


All the things that happen from here on out are wins because you chose to be your own boss!

#6 Reflect

Reflection, especially on a Monday, can really boost your productivity!⁠

🍷 How did last week go?⁠

🍷 What did you accomplish?⁠

🍷 What’s still left to be done?⁠

But this is more than “did I meet my goals?”⁠

🍷 How did you feel?⁠

🍷 What kept you awake at night?⁠

Reflecting on these things will help you make better decisions this week!⁠

#7 Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

“Why is everyone doing the same things that I’m doing?”⁠

“I was going to post something about that tomorrow!”⁠

“How am I going to get clients with all of this competition?”⁠

“Everyone is so far ahead of me, what’s the point?”⁠

You, my friend, are dealing with comparisonitis.⁠

When comparionsitis rears its ugly head, there are a few things you can do to punch it right in the face!⁠

🍷 Acknowledge how you feel and why⁠

🍷 Practice gratitude⁠

🍷 List your strengths and achievements⁠

🍷 Remain positive and LIFT OTHERS UP!⁠

🍷 Limit mindless scrolling⁠

🍷 Avoid social media altogether⁠

Comparisonitis comes from a lack of confidence. ⁠And I want to help you move forward with your business so you never have to feel this way again. ⁠

Send me a message to get unstuck now!

#8 Track Your Cycle (and the moon’s too)

Ever wonder why you can accomplish a week’s worth of tasks in one day and barely open your laptop the next?


Your hormones have a lot to do with it!


I absolutely love this new movement of women who are normalizing conversations about menstrual cycles and how they impact our daily lives.


Knowing when you’re most productive, most creative, completely drained of energy, or can only think about the thin mints in the freezer, gives you so much power over planning what you do -and when- in your business.


Think about the last time you were focused, confident, and energized.


How soon after that did you get your period? (or if you feel like that right now, when is your period due?)


For most women this is when we start dropping eggs and dropping mics! 🎤


But don’t forget there are external influences at work here too – like the cycle of the moon. 🌕


And if you can sync these up… LOOK OUT WORLD!


Combining these cycles and knowing how you feel during each phase puts you in an even greater position of harnessing your creativity, productivity and efficiency.


It’s not easy to do this alone if you’ve never thought about it before. So, I recommend working with an expert. (I’m not that person, but I know people!)

#9 Visualize Your Success

Trick your mind into thinking you have already achieved your goals through visualizing how doing so will look.⁠

When you practice visualizing success, you subconsciously get your mind (and body) ready to achieve those goals.⁠

Do you have a goal that you’re working towards right now?⁠

Practice visualizing the success of this goal EVERY DAY.⁠

This will keep you focused and train your mind to look for the things you need to be successful.⁠

Need some help with this?⁠

I created a guided visualization + workbook that gives you a really visual way of achieving your goals and also a ton of clarity around your message and ideal client!⁠ Click Here to Download

#10 Take a Nap!

Are you exhausted?⁠

It’s really hard to be productive when you’re tired.⁠

You can’t think clearly, you can’t figure out what to do first, and everything feels like a major effort.⁠

So try this – ⁠

🦥 Set an alarm for 20 mins.⁠

🦥 Lay down + shut your eyes (bonus points for a sleep mask)⁠

🦥 Don’t think about your to-do list, just let your mind wander.⁠ ⁠

Whether you fall asleep or not, you’re resting and you may notice that your mind is becoming more clear.⁠

When you allow your mind (and body) to rest, the ideas will start flowing in!⁠

PS If you’re having trouble getting your mind clear, try a guided meditation (like the one I mentioned in #9)!⁠

I have so many of these tips! You could scroll through my Instagram and try to find them all, or you could download 28 things you can do right now to be more productive. This list is the ultimate in quick changes you can make today. They are a mix of my faves that I’ve posted plus some that I haven’t yet shared publicly.

Download, print, and hang it where you can easily see it for the next time you need a boost!
