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8 Tips for Surviving Your 9-5

If you’re like me, you are not cut out for the traditional nine to five world. Starting my own business was always a dream of mine and I felt like staying at my job was going to kill me. So I reached out to some amazing business owners and asked how they got through it until they were able to quit their “day job”.


Try to make things as fun as possible.


Make a list of what you’re learning from this job that will benefit your business.




Go for a walk.


View it as a Business Loan.


Listen to Music or an Inspiring Podcast.


Try to see the silver lining in everything.


Change your language.

Remember that you are choosing to be in this job. You are not sentenced to any one particular position or company. If you can’t stand it, find something else that you think will be more bearable until you can finally branch out on your own.

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